Is your district/charter ready for it’s next school safety & security audit?

Dr Q is an authorized auditor through TxSSC and has completed over 70 site visits in the last 3-year cycle.  There are 6 main reasons to consider using Dr Q for your next audit:

1) Dr Q is extremely familiar with the 475 item checklist for instructional facilities and 100s more for non-instructional facilities. He can save you time, money, and frustration by completing the audit for you!

2) About half the audit is considered “non-observational” and instead of having face to face meetings to ask 100s of questions to about a dozen individuals, Dr Q has taken those questions and placed them into Google surveys that participants can complete when convenient. The surveys then provide you pie charts that are particularly useful for determining next steps once the audit is completed. Click here to see a sample of a survey.

3) As a former administrator, Dr Q is the perfect uninvited guest to complete the intruder assessment. He knows how schools operate and have gained unauthorized access to a building many times. Although we never celebrate this, we can “seal” those breach gaps so it doesn’t happen again. 

4) As a first-time visitor to campus, Dr Q sees “red flags” and warnings that internal eyes have become accustomed to seeing. It’s called habituation: repeated exposure to a stimulus leads to a decreased response over time. In the context of perceiving threats, habituation occurs when individuals become accustomed to or desensitized to certain stimuli that were initially perceived as threatening.

5) After each facility is assessed, you will receive a Google slideshow of pictures with captions for both compliant and noncompliant checklist items. Click here to see a sample of the slideshow.

6) Dr Q is cost-effective! Audit fee structure is based on the type and size of each facility, see below for more details. Dr Q completes (up to) 3 site visits in one day. Depending on the number of facilities and distance from Longview (TX), travel fees may be added to the quote.

Audit fee structure:

  • Tier 1 instructional facility (1500+ students): $3500
  • Tier 2 instructional facility (601-1499 students): $3000
  • Tier 3 instructional facility (0-600 students): $2500
  • Special instructional/Non-instructional facility: $2000

Travel fees:

  • Lodging (if needed): $300 per night
  • Flights (if needed): $300 per round trip
  • Mileage (if needed): $0.65/mile


Click here to receive a quote for your next safety audit. 










Dr Q Consulting